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Questions and answers

How do I join the auction of 

1. Register easily at the registration page

2. Activate the confirmation email you receive from us (check your spam box if you didn't receive an email immediately)

3. Place your bids between August 21 - 24, 2024

4. Keep an eye on the bidding status at 'my bids' (refresh your screen now and then!)

5. 24 August 2024 from 20:00 (CEST) the auction closes, the last bid for every item will be extended by 5 minutes before it comes final

6. U are the highest bidder, congratulations! 

7. After allocation from you will receive an email with all information for a succesfull agreement

How can I bid without checking all the time?
So, instead of bidding with the minimum amount each time, you can also upgrade your bid with the plus sign so you will not get overbid so quickly.

What costs are there for the buyer?
We want to keep the costs for the buyer as low as possible! The auction costs for the buyer are therefore only 10% (excl. VAT) of the purchase amount, regardless of the amount of the purchase!

How does it work with the VAT?
Under the header "Information" by the horse you can find if you have to pay VAT about your purchase. If you have an EU VAT nr. and exporting the horse, the invoice becomes netto/zero for the horse. So no VAT if the horses is exported withing 90 days overseas, unless it is a frozen embryo. You always pay VAT on this, if applicable.

Are the horses insured?
The horses that you buy through are not insured. Of course you are free to do so yourself. View the insurance options here

Are you planning to organize even more auctions?
We are planning to organize more auctions with foals, embryos, young horses and broodmares. Interested to sign up? Simply register your horse or embryo via our digital registration form

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